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#1 07-04-06 10:16:37

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 180

Careers Day

Although I don't mean to pick on Liandra, we do know that she has a child. Makes me wonder what might happen if Liandra's child's school should happen to have a Careers Day (yes, I know that Careers Day is more of an American institution than Australian, but bear with me). What might Liandra's child say when asked: "What does your mummy do?"

"Mummy explains what she does on this video" (guess the URL!)

And the same applies to everyone else at IFM - imagine Max having a child and being put in the same situation: "Mummy fixes up videos of naked ladies". Or BlueGrey: "Daddy makes sure everyone gets to watch naked ladies".

Although it's kinda funny on the surface, it did make me wonder. What do you tell your child in that situation?


#2 07-04-06 13:35:59

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Careers Day

Well I for one am proud of what I do - not only do I fix up videos of naked ladies I help facilitate these naked ladies to reclaim the construction of feminine sexuality, subvert the boring cliche's of conventional porn and feel damb good about themselves. And if I were to have kids they would probably feel the same way when they were old enough to understand. I know my parents do!


#3 07-04-06 14:15:50

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Careers Day

Well I think because of the prejudice from outside you introduce your child to what you do a bit at a time, so their comfortable with it. hopefully their on your side and they know the relationship of what you do to the outside world. A lot of schools have a religious theme ( yawn here we go again:) and they tend to be the best ones, so a diplomatic approach and a bit of common sense is all thats needed there. That would teach your child those skills as well.

Well, that all seems pretty easy doesn't it smile

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


#4 09-04-06 00:06:12

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 180

Re: Careers Day

max wrote:

Well I for one am proud of what I do - not only do I fix up videos of naked ladies I help facilitate these naked ladies to reclaim the construction of feminine sexuality, subvert the boring cliche's of conventional porn and feel damb good about themselves. And if I were to have kids they would probably feel the same way when they were old enough to understand. I know my parents do!

Beautifully expressed.


#5 10-04-06 01:10:38

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Careers Day

cynicism wrote:

And the same applies to everyone else at IFM - imagine Max having a child and being put in the same situation: "Mummy fixes up videos of naked ladies". Or BlueGrey: "Daddy makes sure everyone gets to watch naked ladies".  Although it's kinda funny on the surface, it did make me wonder. What do you tell your child in that situation?

Well, my current children have four feet and meow loudly at 5:00am in the morning because I refuse to let them out to savage the local wildlife...I don't think they really care.  Actually, if they did I would be profoundly disturbed...

However, I do have a nephew, and his parents told him what I did a while back.  He was about eleven at the time, but raised in an open minded household where he had known about the facts of life for a long time.  I think his reaction was summed up as 'eh'.  He had more important things to talk to me about, like his latest batch of lego.  It's probably an atypical reaction, but I'm sure he would have been much more interested had I been making a lego website.

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#6 10-04-06 02:47:04

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Careers Day

Liandra wrote:

Well Max took the words right out of my mouth. So I need not say anymore on the topic, except...what on earth made you think bluegrey is a man?

Yeah, I transcend gender!

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#7 10-04-06 05:29:04

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Careers Day

A simple "mommy works with computers". Would work.

My kids know I use the computer. They don't Know all that I do on the computer, Nor do they need to know.

As a Nurse, I certainly don't Tell my kids what all I do at work. They Know a Basic amount like Daddy\Mommy makes people feel better. And that's About it. I don't Need to tell them every detail. Like How I Stuck my finger up a person Buttocks to check for a impaction. etc.


#8 10-04-06 11:55:35

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 180

Re: Careers Day

bluegrey wrote:
cynicism wrote:

And the same applies to everyone else at IFM - imagine Max having a child and being put in the same situation: "Mummy fixes up videos of naked ladies". Or BlueGrey: "Daddy makes sure everyone gets to watch naked ladies".  Although it's kinda funny on the surface, it did make me wonder. What do you tell your child in that situation?

Well, my current children have four feet and meow loudly at 5:00am in the morning because I refuse to let them out to savage the local wildlife...I don't think they really care.  Actually, if they did I would be profoundly disturbed...

However, I do have a nephew, and his parents told him what I did a while back.  He was about eleven at the time, but raised in an open minded household where he had known about the facts of life for a long time.  I think his reaction was summed up as 'eh'.  He had more important things to talk to me about, like his latest batch of lego.  It's probably an atypical reaction, but I'm sure he would have been much more interested had I been making a lego website.

My little girls (all of whom have fabulous fur coats and meow when they think it's dinner time) stay indoors all the time for the same reason. I love cats, but don't want them killing the indigenous wildlife. They don't care what I do on the computer, except that it means that I am not patting them (they are not allowed near the PCs, either).

I thought it was said somewhere that bluegrey was male?


#9 10-04-06 13:46:34

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Careers Day

cynicism wrote:

My little girls (all of whom have fabulous fur coats and meow when they think it's dinner time) stay indoors all the time for the same reason. I love cats, but don't want them killing the indigenous wildlife....... I thought it was said somewhere that bluegrey was male?

1.   My three cats are no threat to wildlife. They get bullied by the local squirrels.

2.   I also thought that bluegrey was male.  (Are we all suffering from false        assumptions or is Liandra extracting the urine?).


Last edited by Elfman (10-04-06 13:47:17)


#10 10-04-06 14:43:06

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Careers Day

Elfman wrote:

2.   I also thought that bluegrey was male.  (Are we all suffering from false        assumptions or is Liandra extracting the urine?). Elfman

I have to admit...I got nothing on this one O.o

I've never stated my gender.  Various folks have mentioned one or the other.  Y'all can assume whatever you want about it and my preferences, although I bet you're all wrong ;)

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#11 10-04-06 15:20:48

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Careers Day

20 to 1 homosexual male
50 to 1 heterasexual male transvestite but happy in his own skin.
1 & 5/8ths - 1 ........ your a lady.


Last edited by blissed (10-04-06 15:24:42)

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


#12 10-04-06 18:23:52

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Careers Day

I know where I got it from!!   I't's because bluegrey is an I.T. specialist.  I therefore assumed that he/she was a man.  Oh no!!!  I'm a sexist pig!!!   I will do the decent thing and resign from IFM imediatley.



#13 10-04-06 22:54:18

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 180

Re: Careers Day

Elfman wrote:
cynicism wrote:

My little girls (all of whom have fabulous fur coats and meow when they think it's dinner time) stay indoors all the time for the same reason. I love cats, but don't want them killing the indigenous wildlife....... I thought it was said somewhere that bluegrey was male?

1.   My three cats are no threat to wildlife. They get bullied by the local squirrels.

2.   I also thought that bluegrey was male.  (Are we all suffering from false        assumptions or is Liandra extracting the urine?).


My four feline (ex)female friends would have me believe that they'd be terrors to the local birds. They sit at the windows and study the birds outside intently, plotting what they'd do if there wasn't a window in the way. I suspect they'd do some damage, so the windows do stay in the way.

They do like it inside, though; if there's nothing but mesh between them and the outside, and a cold breeze or some rain comes through, they vacate the area immediately.

You are never alone when you have a cat to ignore you smile


#14 11-04-06 01:46:57

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Careers Day

Elfman wrote:

I will do the decent thing and resign from IFM imediatley.


NOOOOooo don't resign! I like you and besides where else would I get all my good ideas?

Last edited by max (11-04-06 01:47:24)


#15 11-04-06 02:58:11

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Careers Day

Elfman wrote:

I know where I got it from!!   I't's because bluegrey is an I.T. specialist.  I therefore assumed that he/she was a man.

I thought the truth was all I.T. specialists were gender neutral asexuals?

Wait...is geek cool back in?  Gosh, you kids.  You make a freak feel all warm.

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#16 11-04-06 06:34:44

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Careers Day

bluegrey wrote:

Wait...is geek cool back in?  Gosh, you kids.  You make a freak feel all warm.

Geek cool was never out!


#17 11-04-06 10:25:40

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Careers Day

max wrote:
Elfman wrote:

I will do the decent thing and resign from IFM imediatley.


NOOOOooo don't resign! I like you and besides where else would I get all my good ideas?

Ah.  Bless you Max.  I love you.  (In a totaly none ceepy, platonic, warm, fluffy way of course).

Elfman wrote:

I know where I got it from!!   I't's because bluegrey is an I.T. specialist.  I therefore assumed that he/she was a man.  Oh no!!!  I'm a sexist pig!!!   I will do the decent thing and resign from IFM imediatley.


After further thought it was also your knowledge about fantasy role playing bluegrey.  That is usualy a male domain.  Seriously though it is interesting how in spite of our (my)  attempts to be enlightened, free thinking individuals we (I)  still make assumptions on a persons gender based on their job or hobbies with no hard evidence to support our assumptions.  I guess I still have a long way to go in my personal struggle against prejudice.



#18 11-04-06 11:14:19

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Careers Day

If it helps, I really don't mind what gender people assign to me, VR or RL.  I've been seen as one or the other in both, and it's not important enough for me to really care about smile  So if you want to think of me as female, go ahead.  And if male, go ahead.  Heck, you want to see me as a Transexual Transylvanian, feel free.

I am fairly sure most IFM people would tell their kids what they do without worrying particularly about it.  I grew up a child of art historians, and while my parents removed one picture (which was, if I recall, a commentary on society, but a fairly weird one), the others stayed up.  So naked people never bothered me.  I did vaguely wonder why other kids threw fits about it and seemed confused, but I figured they didn't have cool parents.

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#19 11-04-06 12:44:13

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,300

Re: Careers Day

If I had kids I expect a day would come when the youngster comes home from school and says "daddy, julie says her mum won't let her come over and play".  People who advocate that one shouldn't care less what others think of them are overlooking that almost everything you get out of life depends on the co-operation of other people.  And, most people revile or fear what they don't understand. So I lie.


#20 11-04-06 13:17:01

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Careers Day

richard wrote:

If I had kids I expect a day would come when the youngster comes home from school and says "daddy, julie says her mum won't let her come over and play".

One day in grade 1 my best friend said her mum said she wasn't allowed to be friends with me anymore. It was either because my parents were a bunch of pot smoking, motorbike riding, dredlock having ferals or because I use to let Matt Mckenzie kiss my hand. I didn't care, she didn't care and by grade two I had won over Mrs E with my impecable manners and for the rest of my primary school years I recieved all of that families hand me down clothes- which my dad used as rags on his motorbike!!


#21 11-04-06 14:06:12

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Careers Day

I share a house with my closest friend.  (Neither of us earn much money and could not afford to live in the area we do on our own).  In the first summer we lived here the ten year old daughter of a neighbour started to come into our garden to play with our cats.  After a few weeks she stopped coming but re-appeared the following spring.  We later discovered that her mother had stopped her visiting because she originaly thought that my house-mate and I were gay (this was because my friend is twenty years younger than me and we are both amateur actors) but had relented when she realised that we weren't.  Can anyone understand the logic behind this?

(By the way on the subject of occupation if I had children I would never admit to them what I do for a living.  The shame and social stigma would be too traumatic for them to deal with.  I'm a Civil Servant).


Last edited by Elfman (11-04-06 14:13:45)


#22 11-04-06 14:47:56

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,300

Re: Careers Day

max wrote:

... for the rest of my primary school years I recieved all of that families hand me down clothes- which my dad used as rags on his motorbike!!

You had a family's hands down your clothes?  Hang on, I better get my glasses, I wanna read the rest of this...


#23 11-04-06 14:57:19

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Careers Day

Elfman wrote:

(By the way on the subject of occupation if I had children I would never admit to them what I do for a living.  The shame and social stigma would be too traumatic for them to deal with.  I'm a Civil Servant).

Ha ha being a civil servant is actually very exciting smile my dad used to be a one. He worked on designing nuclear submarines and went out on 2 week long trips testing them. He used to say that he could never tell us exactly what he did at work because of the official secrets act. Which I thought was really exciting and I used to tell all the other kids at primary school he was a spy. So it seems if you don't lie your kids'll do it for you. Anyway, you shouldn't be ashamed of being a civil servant, there must be self help groups something you can go to.

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


#24 11-04-06 15:46:24

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Careers Day

I was a sort of spy once blissed.  Through my job I discovered proposals to build a motorway which would have massive environmental effects so I leaked it to certain interested parties.  Naughty me.  (Er, Liandra.  You do keep the identities of members secret, don't you?).


Last edited by Elfman (11-04-06 15:48:35)


#25 11-04-06 18:00:56

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Careers Day

Wow thats brilliant! Ifeelaprizecomingon.com smile http://www.ifeelmyself.com/forum/viewto … 1399#p1399


Last edited by blissed (11-04-06 18:02:20)

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


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