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#1 03-05-06 20:49:49

Bishop of Bath & Wells
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 342

Where's Garybob?

Did he finally get suspended from the various forums?



#2 03-05-06 21:44:26

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Where's Garybob?

Bishop of Bath & Wells wrote:

Did he finally get suspended from the various forums?


http://www.ifeelmyself.com/forum/userli … rch=Submit

http://www.beautifulagony.com/forum/use … rch=Submit

Last edited by Elfman (03-05-06 21:46:35)


#3 03-05-06 23:31:41

Bishop of Bath & Wells
From: United Kingdom
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 342

Re: Where's Garybob?

Can't say I'm shocked in the slightest, he was treading on some very thin ice over at BA.



#4 04-05-06 07:47:12

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,300

Re: Where's Garybob?

Bishop of Bath & Wells wrote:

Can't say I'm shocked in the slightest, he was treading on some very thin ice over at BA.


I'd say he cracked it, broke through and sank.


#5 04-05-06 09:59:59

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 132

Re: Where's Garybob?

Wow. I haven't been over on the BA forum for a while(I'm unable to log in though I'm still a site member and haven't been banned--as far as I know.) I'm really curious what straw it was that proved too much for the camel. And is that a lifetime ban?


#6 04-05-06 10:52:44

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Where's Garybob?

Jakeview wrote:

Wow. I haven't been over on the BA forum for a while(I'm unable to log in though I'm still a site member and haven't been banned--as far as I know.) I'm really curious what straw it was that proved too much for the camel. And is that a lifetime ban?

Trust me Jakeview you wouldn't want to read his last comments concerning a certain lady.  They were thoroughly vile.  For what it's worth I fully support his expulsion (although of course it well known that he and I were not on the best of terms).



#7 04-05-06 10:54:27

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,300

Re: Where's Garybob?

Jakeview wrote:

Wow. I haven't been over on the BA forum for a while(I'm unable to log in though I'm still a site member and haven't been banned--as far as I know.) I'm really curious what straw it was that proved too much for the camel. And is that a lifetime ban?

I just added you to the dataabse again, with the same password you use for the site.  If it doesn't let you in write to agony2 at beautifulagony dot com and we'll sort it out.

His last post there was basically a puerile suicide note - some insult followed by "so lets see if they'll ben me here too" or something.  He seems to be one of thopse people who can't stand the fact that not everybody thinks like him.  They must live in constant angst.


#8 04-05-06 11:22:43

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Where's Garybob?

My final word on this subject.  The forum has become very open recently.  Many members have revealed very personal details about themselves and I am sure that I am not the only one who has found it cathartic and gained greater security in my own sexuality from reading other members submissions.  This requires trust.  A confidence that your intimate feelings will be received sensitively and are not going to be ridiculed.   We can all be thoughtless at times and say things which might be hurtful or taken out of context but this forum should not tolerate any that flagrantly betray that trust.


Last edited by Elfman (04-05-06 11:31:36)


#9 04-05-06 11:44:49

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

I've known Garybob for along time. And have seen him implode in other forums.

Garybob has a very conservative attitude and high morals. And expects everybody to live up to his standards. For good or bad.

He also tends to see in "black\white" terms. And any lust after humans under 18. Is strictly forbidden. (At least for adults.)

Also What Ruby said Would result in her being charged with Child porngraphy. At least in many parts of the USA. (Granted the outside world is a lot more permissive in thier attitude's.) (btw- The same area's outlaw's sodomy as well.)

So garybob's "thoughts" are not uncommon in his area. Or my area either.


#10 04-05-06 11:50:07

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

Just a extra thing to note.

The same area's allow 14-18 year olds to marry. But any youthful "sex" outside of marriage is stricty forbidden. As well as any "Visual media" like photo's, vids, etc.

And no, it doesn't make sense to me.


#11 04-05-06 17:40:47

Khanada Faye
From: New York
Registered: 29-04-06
Posts: 113

Re: Where's Garybob?

msnevil wrote:

Garybob has a very conservative attitude and high morals. And expects everybody to live up to his standards. For good or bad.

Well, then, his attitude and "high morals" are intensely hypocritical by the very fact of his having subscribed to these websites, no?  Last I checked, "high morals" make no exceptions for the watching of sexual material, either.  I remember his posts to Ruby implying that she was a certain word we shall not mention, yet never taking any responsibility for his participation in deriving enjoyment from these websites.  His is the worst kind of misogyny, and I, for one, appreciate that he has been removed from this place.  I do have a question, though--is it possible for him to simply return under an entirely different username with a new email address?

"give me your shoulder to lean against, steady me, don't let me drop
I'm so in love with you I can't stand up" -- Kim Addonizio


#12 04-05-06 18:03:15

bonanza jellybean of state
From: melbizzy
Registered: 11-04-06
Posts: 1,553

Re: Where's Garybob?

awesome.  that guy was terrible.  he did say some things that sparked some good debate, but most of them were things that don't really belong in this space.  though i did want him to watch my "urination" video and say something about being disgusted, so i could rip him a new one.  oh well, i suppose we've all done that enough already.


#13 04-05-06 18:24:22

From: SW Ontario, Canada - Male
Registered: 11-04-06
Posts: 581

Re: Where's Garybob?

Khanada Faye wrote:
msnevil wrote:

Garybob has a very conservative attitude and high morals. And expects everybody to live up to his standards. For good or bad.

,,,,, I do have a question, though--is it possible for him to simply return under an entirely different username with a new email address?

Yes, this has happened on other forums I have been on. ;(

Anumber of forums I have been on (non-pay sites) have decided it is so easy to get a generic non-traceable email address that they won't accept hotmail, yahoo, or whatever else, they will only accept an ISP based address.

Last edited by ashmedi (04-05-06 19:04:13)

Ashmedi is an ancient god of rage and lust.
I don't feel rage, but the lust part fits like a glove.
"Isn't this a lovely day my friend ?
Just watch some b@st@rd screw it up"


#14 04-05-06 21:50:17

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

Well Ashmedi, you're right and I have done so. But from now on, I've changed my ways. No more speaking my mind or being "terrible". From now on, I'll just read and chuckle quietly unless I have something positive to say. That way, no one gets there feelings hurt by, me anyway, and I won't crack and sink in any more ice.

Okay with you Richard?

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#15 05-05-06 05:17:34

From: Westmoreland County, Penna USA
Registered: 18-04-06
Posts: 100

Re: Where's Garybob?

User list

Username             Title                  Posts                 Registered
Garybob             Banned                163                   2006-03-17

Well, as a mod on another site, when I ban someone they stay banned unless they have dialup. With a dialup ISP, they can simply log out and back on and have a different IP. In extreme cases I have to ban an entire range. If they have DSL or cable the IP is static and unless they switch services, they're gone for good. Just something for Richard and the crew to ponder.

Last edited by tellin (05-05-06 05:23:10)


#16 05-05-06 05:58:44

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

Khanada Faye wrote:

Well, then, his attitude and "high morals" are intensely hypocritical by the very fact of his having subscribed to these websites, no?  Last I checked, "high morals" make no exceptions for the watching of sexual material, either.

This is a False Dichotomy that is incorrect.

There is many more "religions, ideologies, etc." Then the simple Western Christian mind set vrs seculerism. (I persume this is what you meant?)

For exp. The dali lama abhors Sodomy and oral sex. And believes sexual union should be for reproductive reasons.

"quote"- Britian The Telegraph, April 1

“A gay couple came to see me, seeking my support and blessing. I had to explain our teachings. Another lady introduced another woman as her wife - astonishing. It is the same with a husband and wife using certain sexual practices. Using the other two holes is wrong.”

At this point, he looks across at his interpreter - who seems mainly redundant - to check that he has been using the right English words to discuss this delicate matter. The interpreter gives a barely perceptible nod.

“A Western friend asked me what harm could there be between consenting adults having oral sex, if they enjoyed it,” the Dalai Lama continues, warming to his theme. “But the purpose of sex is reproduction, according to Buddhism. The other holes don’t create life. I don’t mind - but I can’t condone this way of life."

Just a note- Histrocial Buddhism abhors "homosexuality". Yet Japan Zen Buddhism encourages sexual relations between tutor-student until the later teenage years.  (similiar to greek pederasty.)

And guess which version is most populer in the western world?


#17 05-05-06 07:05:01

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

As usual, interesting stuff MSN. Actually, I don't think of myself as a "high moral person". But I do have boundaries and I think I have a healthy view of sexuality. Obviously my view(s) on what is decent and what crosses the line are very very different from many of you who have come to know and hate me but that's okay. I could be wrong, but I think that much of what I have posted in here and at BA are things that most of you would actually agree with as well. But, since I pissed many of you off so much, it got to a point where no matter what I said, I would have just caught hell. And I did!

To correct one thing that Richard said, actually I don't mind people who think differently than I do. I do not expect, nor would I expect for others to agree with me all the time.  In my family, we say "your right hand is not like your left hand. So why would you expect that someone would be in agreement with you all the time?" What a boring world that would be. I am actually very comfortable with myself and my beliefs. Therefore, I feel no need to censor anyone. Nor is it really all that important to me to be mr. popular as you well know. I actually welcome opposing viewpoints and truely {{open}} debate. Keeps the mind sharp. But I know that not everyone has the same comfort zone and thus.....censorship!

See, I feel that people who censor are like talk show hosts. Talk show hosts love to hear thier own voices and quickly talk over or hang up on any caller who disagrees with them. And then ridicules and castigates after the caller can no longer respond. No bravado in that!! Larry Elder being the biggest culprit.

There is an inherent danger in this kind of behavior. 1) They only listen to assenting views and so they begin to really think they are right about everything; 2) Because they only hear their own voices, either via themselves or assenting callers, they become really insecure people. A person who is secure with himself can be that way even in the midst of dissent. Takes some real cajones.

Anyway, eveyone knows me well enough to know my conservative views. I no longer feel the need to air them all over the place since I know the affect here. And I suspect MSN as well got a small taste for stepping into the realm of free thought from Liandra. So, I'm mostly silent and just enjoying the conversation.


Last edited by Cruiser9 (05-05-06 07:09:42)

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#18 05-05-06 07:42:30

Khanada Faye
From: New York
Registered: 29-04-06
Posts: 113

Re: Where's Garybob?

msnevil wrote:
Khanada Faye wrote:

Well, then, his attitude and "high morals" are intensely hypocritical by the very fact of his having subscribed to these websites, no?  Last I checked, "high morals" make no exceptions for the watching of sexual material, either.

This is a False Dichotomy that is incorrect.

There is many more "religions, ideologies, etc." Then the simple Western Christian mind set vrs seculerism. (I persume this is what you meant?)

Not exactly.  What I was saying wasn't so much about religion as it was about consistency.  Forgive me, all, I'm about to get rather blunt so that my point won't be mistaken—and I really do apologize in advance if I upset people with this post.  I guess this is a topic that I feel very strongly about—much as Garybob (or Cruiser9 now, it appears), has professed feeling strongly about his own beliefs.  I’m going to try to explain why I disagree with how certain things have been said.  I'm actually quite a hotheaded person myself, so I do understand that it's sometimes hard to keep that in check smile

The Dalai Lama can tell people that sodomy is wrong—that’s fine, it’s what he believes, and he has the right to express that belief.  But then he doesn’t go home and fuck someone up the ass, only to return the next day to telling people they shouldn’t do it, because that would be wrong (according to his belief) and hypocritical and would essentially cancel out what he says to the people who come to him.

Likewise, proclaiming the women who contribute to this website as “unmarriageable” (which came up on a BA thread) and insinuating that they are basically like prostitutes while simultaneously taking personal pleasure in (and no doubt wanking off) watching them do these things he disapproves of, is hypocritical and inconsistent.  It's basically saying: "They’re sluts and whores, and so they aren’t normal or acceptable people for doing these things in front of a camera, but it’s okay for me to like it and watch it because I’m a guy and it’s normal for me to like sex.  They exist for my pleasure but aren’t good for anything else."  I don't quite see how you can fairly separate the watcher from the watched, since the actions of both seem to arise from the same impulse--a healthy, human impulse, in my book.

Perhaps I have misunderstood the intentions behind some posts here and elsewhere, in which case I sincerely do hang my head in shame.  It’s just that that perspective frustrates me, particularly as a woman, because it is so deep-rooted in the oldest and most harmful double standard that exists between men and women, in my opinion.

Does that, clarify what I mean, msnevil?  Also, in response to your question about which version is most popular in the western world, I honestly don’t know!  To me, living in an increasingly conservative America, the former seems to be the more accepted point of view, particularly considering the ways in which homosexuality is literally vilified in both the social and political realms, even despite the progress that’s been made.  Sure, we have “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy”, which is safe because it merely reinforces the stereotypes everyone is comfortable with, but we still have elected senators who believe gays (or unwed mothers, for that matter) shouldn’t teach in public schools and cities that ban “Brokeback Mountain”.  This, of course, is merely because it is a nontraditional representation of homosexuality, which makes people queasy—cowboys are masculine and manly, and gay men are…  So, yeah, at least for now, living in a rather conservative state, Arizona—though not much longer, thank god!—and under an insane president, my experience with things leads me to believe that, here, it’s probably the first.  Unless you’re implying that people here love the whole Zen thing (which you see all over the place—decorating their apartments to feel more “Zen”, which really means putting bamboo in a vase and a statue of a plump little Buddha on the very expensive coffee table smile) even though they don’t really know what its true ideology actually is.  In that case, you’re probably right!

Okay, enough rambling for now.  Hope that helps!

"give me your shoulder to lean against, steady me, don't let me drop
I'm so in love with you I can't stand up" -- Kim Addonizio


#19 05-05-06 07:55:15

Khanada Faye
From: New York
Registered: 29-04-06
Posts: 113

Re: Where's Garybob?

Well, Garybob, please allow me to do two things here. 

First, I do want to apologize for my statement above about appreciating that you were removed (I'm not going to go back and edit it out because that would be wrong--I said it, and it wasn't the right thing to say, but I'm not going to backpedal, rather I will correct myself). 

Secondly, I do agree with you about censorship--I'm opposed to it.  On both sides, censoring those who agree with me just as much as censoring those who don't. 

I guess this has become a "safe zone" for people to express things about themselves, sexual or otherwise, that might not generally be accepted outside of this space.  So while censorship isn't a good thing, I guess everyone here expects that everyone else will nonetheless be respectful of the nature of this material, and those who produce it, and those who enjoy it.  And that dissent be expressed in thoughtful ways so that we can all discuss our conflicting viewpoints in a rational manner.

Handshake, Garybob?  My right hand isn't like your right hand, but that is what makes the world so full of wonderful possibilities.  So, really, I do apologize.

Last edited by Khanada Faye (05-05-06 07:56:05)

"give me your shoulder to lean against, steady me, don't let me drop
I'm so in love with you I can't stand up" -- Kim Addonizio


#20 05-05-06 10:49:36

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

Since I never frequent the BA forums. I can't comment on the "He said, She said".

If Garybob did call the models prostitutes, And treats them as slaves to his own instant gratification. Then your point is equally valid.

I have known garybob for years. While he has pissed me off sometimes, I never once can call him a "liar". He speaks, what he believes. And that is very uncommon in today's world.

And "Khanada Faye". You like me see the quarter on its edge. Not on its side. smile


#21 05-05-06 15:30:13

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

MSN, I like that "quarter on it's edge" thing. I'd like to use that one sometimes. What a wonderful illustration and it fits so damend well into everything I have always believed about people being able to see more than their own side of things.

Khanada, thank you for your apology although it really isn't necessary. I do not hold grudges...takes up too much brain space and doesn't allow for more productive things to get in.

In all honesty, I really don't know what I ever said, either here or at BA that was "disrespectful" other than my words to Ruby which were intentional [and my reasons were made clear already]. I made clear and poignant points and I made them very strongly. However, I kept apologizing and putting disclaimers all over the place many times to anyone who found them offensive. But like I stated, I got to be so unpopular that no matter what I said, even if it was objectively benign, people just grew accustomed to being pissed anyway. It was kind of like that experiment with the dog salivating at the sound of a bell [which I can't remember the name of right now]. Anytime my name appeared in a new thread, I think many automatically knew they were going to get upset, which led the moderators to get upset, and that's exactly what happened.

As for the hotheaded thing, I am really not so much a hothead but I am a former Marine and fighting is in my blood. When someone attacks, I do still go into all-out-war mode. I am going to try real hard this time to see how much I can take without erupting again as I am sure I'm going to take more fire here. I also know that if I respond to ANY insults in like manner, I will be the one to pay the price and everyone else's insults will be ignored as they have been thus far. But hey, the world isn't fair and it is unreasonable to think so.

I'm a big boy so don't apologize and never....ever back pedal!

Last edited by Cruiser9 (05-05-06 15:34:39)

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#22 05-05-06 15:36:56

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

msnevil wrote:

Since I never frequent the BA forums. I can't comment on the "He said, She said".

If Garybob did call the models prostitutes, And treats them as slaves to his own instant gratification. Then your point is equally valid.

I have known garybob for years. While he has pissed me off sometimes, I never once can call him a "liar". He speaks, what he believes. And that is very uncommon in today's world.

And "Khanada Faye". You like me see the quarter on its edge. Not on its side. smile

Actually MSN, I only made such a reference to one particular popular model, not model(s). And I never knew that I pissed you off! I always liked you and never meant to get under your skin. Sorry bud!

Last edited by Cruiser9 (05-05-06 15:37:24)

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#23 06-05-06 11:46:05

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Where's Garybob?

Garybob.  (Or Cruiser9).

A question if I may.  You have asked for re-admission to this community.  You were banned (as far as I understand it) from IFM and BA for two comments on the BA forum concerning Ruby, a contributor to that site.  For the benefit of those who do not subscribe to BA the first of these is copied below: 

Garybobs wrote:

I DO appreciate what Ruby does!!  She does a wonderful job of giving me exactly the sexual experience I paid for. There's a word for that...but I dare not say it!

The second comment I cannot find.  (Perhaps it was deleted by Richard).  In it you made a tasteless allusion concerning Ruby's personal morality in which you inferred that she was suffering from some form of sexually transmitted disease.  (You followed this remark with a challenge for Richard to ban you from the site, which he subsequently did).  I find it interesting that although you seek acceptance again here you have shown no remorse or regret for making these comments.  Will you now withdraw those remarks and apologise for them to Ruby and to the many BA members who found those remarks extremely offensive? 

Richard and/or Liandra will make their own decision concerning your re-admittance  without any help from the membership here but I personally will be deeply disappointed in them if they even consider your re-admittance until you have made a sincere, public apology for those remarks and I would regrettably find myself unable to make any further contributions to the forums here or at BA on a point of honour and out of loyalty to the wonderful women who make IFM, BA and ISM possible if such an apology is not forthcoming.


Last edited by Elfman (06-05-06 12:05:59)


#24 06-05-06 12:34:48

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Where's Garybob?

I didn't realise that Garybob was banned quite specifically for something he said at BA. In his comments there he's also perpetuating the stigma attached to prostitutes by using the inference that somebody is one as an insult. I think he should apologise too in general and very definitly to Ruby. and I think Garybob if your banned you should stay banned, because your posting at Abby winters, so you have an outlet for your opinions and it's actually a good environment to learn how to communicate effectively too, and if you manage to do that, you can enjoy posting anywhere without a problem.


Last edited by blissed (06-05-06 13:32:18)

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


#25 06-05-06 14:34:53

From: Scotland
Registered: 06-04-06
Posts: 216

Re: Where's Garybob?

Cruiser9 wrote:

I'm a big boy so don't apologize and never....ever back pedal!

But you'll insult people over an internet forum???

A big boy eh......?

(I should really stay out of this, but it was too easy a chance to miss)


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