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#26 06-05-06 16:24:14

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 21

Re: Where's Garybob?

I can only imagine Garybob's anguish during his brief banishment.  After all, he had become the center of the BA-IFM universe.  He had managed to arrange things so that the forums were were no longer about BA and IFM, but about him.  A very satisfying accomplishment indeed for someone who craves that kind of attention.

So he is back, once again basking in the limelight, once again in power.

Well folks, I suspect that sooner rather than later the gross insults will return.  The cycle will repeat.

I enjoy this forum a lot.  Wonderful people participate.  I think Elfman's contributions are exemplary as are many others.  Management and staff have given us a great WWW site to enjoy and have been patient with the forums.

And that's all I have to say except that GaryBob's power has captured me too.

Time here becomes space.


#27 07-05-06 04:05:07

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

Garybob, to be honest. You aggravated me on my old e-group forum when you and toreno got into a arguement over "anal" sex. (Maybe frustration is a better word to explain my "feelings".)

Perhaps as a friend its best to make a point, then go on. Less history repeat itself.

As to words said or not said, If they are right in thier assertion. (Which I don't know, and personly don't want to get involved.) Perhaps its best to apologize and "go on".

Perhaps a exhibitionist's is a better term, And yes . We all are voyeurs paying for somebody to exhibit them selves. And I dare say, We are more guilty then they are. If the need was not there, Then this site wouldn't exist.

And a apology if my language offended anybody. I'd rather watch the vids, then watch a bunch of people argue over technical terms.

Can we have peace, please.


#28 07-05-06 05:31:08

Khanada Faye
From: New York
Registered: 29-04-06
Posts: 113

Re: Where's Garybob?

msnevil wrote:

Can we have peace, please.

I second that.

"give me your shoulder to lean against, steady me, don't let me drop
I'm so in love with you I can't stand up" -- Kim Addonizio


#29 07-05-06 06:17:33

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

You all have made some good arguments. And I will make an apology here with an explanation:

It's true, I did make some pretty harsh and nasty insults to Ruby and it is only right that I do apologize to her and to everyone who was offended by my remarks there. I made those remarks in anger after having been attacked by so many so much.

Moreover, I felt that the "moderators" should have rightly shared some of the blame for setting guidelines on forum conduct which demanded an atmosphere of respect, and then sitting back and allowing a heated discussion to get out hand before stepping in. I felt that they only got involved once Ruby went to them and complained about the bloodshed. And then, the action taken was one-sided. If I were a moderator, I wouldhave stopped it at the very outset by either freezing the thread or issuing a blanket warning to everyone with a reminder of the rules, or both. That way, order is maintained, bloodshed is abated and the best part, paying members would continue to be paying members. Under that scenario, everyone wins. To sit back and do nothing until things get really bad only to later step in and apply the "rules" unfairly and unevenly is bad business practice. At least that's the way I would have handled it.

And to be honest, a site owner/moderator at another site where I have membership does exactly that when people start to get aggressive and to my knowledge, no one has ever been banned and all paying members are still there paying money, including the ones who clearly don't like each other, and the environment is basically peaceful. That is good management, and good for his business.

The follow up comment I made which Richard deleted was made after I had received a private email from Richard which I found hgihly offnesive and one-sided which only angered me more. No one likes to be sigled out and castigated for infractions that everyone makes. It was  just wrong and because I have a strong sense of justice, I got even angerier.

All that said, Ruby, wherever you are, I publicly apologize to you for calling you a prostitute and for any and all other personal and offensive remarks I made as a result of our disagreement over at BA. I know I got under your skin and looking back, I know that I could have handled it better. I could have disagreed without resorting to personal attacks and I hope you can find room to accept my sincere apology. Likewise, I apologize to all who took offense....again.

But I want to go one step further. I'd like to apologize to Richard as well. You started a great site with a lot of hard work and made a vibrant and exciting place over a BA and here. I could have discussed my differences with you in a more mature manner as well. Blissed was right....it helps to take a breather and clear my head before responding to anyting I think you are doing that may not be right, fair, or just in my perception.

I know the world has hanging judges who feel "once banned, always banned" and although I am not that way, you  may very well be. I don't know yet. You and your crew can make whatever decision you want as to my continued access to this forum and I will respect it. If I get the boot, I will not come back again to the forum serruptitously whcich could be easily done.

Either way, I am not too big to apologize with sincerity and I understand that you can and will operate your forum in any way you see fit.

Last edited by Cruiser9 (07-05-06 06:23:05)

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#30 07-05-06 06:25:13

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

MSN, I remember Toreno but I don't remember the arguement you refer to. However, I can imagine what myposition was then as it is the same now. So, my apologies to you for that as well.

Still friends bud. No animous here.

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#31 07-05-06 09:44:20

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Where's Garybob?

Thread Hi-jack, Move along. Nothing to see here.

Go watch the lovly lady on the Ferrous wheel instead.


#32 07-05-06 13:30:39

From: Yorkshire
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 700

Re: Where's Garybob?

With the deepest respect to all concerned I think that the next post on this thread needs to come from Richard or Liandra.  (And I think it needs to come soon guys).


Last edited by Elfman (07-05-06 13:31:08)


#33 07-05-06 14:14:08

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,296

Re: Where's Garybob?

If garybob or cruiser9 or any of his other personalites want to contribute something positive that's fine.  But I don't think anyone here is interested in his opninions any more, least of all his opninions of other people's opinions.  Personally I'd prefer he didn't post at all and if he starts to beat his chest again we'll probably delete his posts in the same way you turn down the radio when it gets on your nerves.  And if he's even remotely nasty we'll turn him off completely.


#34 07-05-06 19:16:24

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

Fair enough!

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#35 08-05-06 07:04:05

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 180

Re: Where's Garybob?

msnevil wrote:

Thread Hi-jack, Move along. Nothing to see here.

Go watch the lovly lady on the Ferrous wheel instead.

Oh, I like that! Ferrous (= iron) wheel instead of Ferris wheel.

Was that deliberate?


#36 10-05-06 16:18:57

From: Good old U.S.A.
Registered: 04-05-06
Posts: 31

Re: Where's Garybob?

And I quote: "There are FORUM RULES"

Bluegrey, care to comment???

Didn't think so.

Last edited by Cruiser9 (10-05-06 18:17:54)

Above all else, be honset! It takes more balls than most people have!


#37 11-05-06 01:32:22

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Where's Garybob?

Where is Garrybob:

He returned as Cruiser9.

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


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