Let's talk about sex...and other stuff.

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#1 10-04-06 05:48:30

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 163

Thoroughly Uninterested???

I have always wondered about the sex live(s) of those who find themselves employed in the sex industry on any level.

My question here is geared primarily toward the IFM/BA/ISM staffers. Do you find that given the amount of time you spend involved with sexual themes, sexual behavior, etc... that your sex live(s) are impaired, enhanced, or unchanged?

The reason I ask is because years ago, I dated a stripper and she would tell me how utterly tired of sex she was. Needless to say, that relationship didn't last very long. She said that she spent so much time sliding down poles, being gawked at and lap-dancing that sex just became boring to her. Whenever she had sex, she felt like it was just another aspect of her job.

So I wonder if you all feel that way to some degree? Does the constant exposure to this and other sites somehow alter your views on physical intimacy or change that aspect of your relationships?


#2 10-04-06 06:13:34

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

Old Larry Flynt stated something like it takes something "new". To excite his sex life. (Was it his biography movie or something I read, I can't remember.)


#3 10-04-06 06:22:58

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

I don't know...none of the videos so far have included the kind of material I prefer myself, so there's no reason to be affected.  I'm a webdeveloper and designer, so most of what I think about is 'Oh, Goddamn, don't tell me IE has yet again decided to say sod you to web standards' and 'That's a lot of yellow.  Hmm...' followed by 'Crap, daylight savings is off, I'm going home and it feels like midnight and bees by the time I get there, wonder what's for dinner'.

But the moment we post a video of playful guys in hotpants having a 'friendly' waterfight with one another on a hot day, I'll let you know!

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#4 11-04-06 13:50:57

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

Interesting question Garybob. I havn't been looking at naked ladies all day for that long so I can only talk about the short term affects! Naked ladies are sexy especially when they touch themselves and I go home some days feeling umm very umm sexy also!! The infront of the camera stuff also makes me feel sexy!
I expect if I worked in a harder core area of the sex industry things would be very different. After watching 10 minutes of that stuff I don't feel like going near a cock and I can't imagine what it would be like actually being a performer. Those girls work fucking hard for their money.


#5 12-04-06 02:32:15

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 163

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

max wrote:

Interesting question Garybob. I havn't been looking at naked ladies all day for that long so I can only talk about the short term affects! Naked ladies are sexy especially when they touch themselves and I go home some days feeling umm very umm sexy also!! The infront of the camera stuff also makes me feel sexy!
I expect if I worked in a harder core area of the sex industry things would be very different. After watching 10 minutes of that stuff I don't feel like going near a cock and I can't imagine what it would be like actually being a performer. Those girls work fucking hard for their money.

This is pretty much what I imagined. As I mentioned above, my ex-girlfriend felt the same way. She began to have difficulty seeing men as anything other than walking penises ever on the lookout for a little action and her views of men was pretty poor. Why she even entertained the idea of dating was a big mystery given that view. Last I heard, she had quit her job as an exotic dancer and moved back to Arizona. Which is a good thing. When you feel yourself beginning to lose the ability to experience passion and real closeness in a relationship, its good togo back to home base and re-energize yourself.

Max, Liandra, Bluegrey, Richard and anyone else whose name(s) I may have left out....I hope that your success(es) with this site et al. will bring you more joy than sadness and I hope that none of you ever lose your ability to feel closeness and intimacy with another person.

Being alone sucks! Being "together" and feeling alone sucks big time!!! I think this is where Carmen was when I saw her last.


#6 12-04-06 06:09:54

Registered: 18-03-06
Posts: 330

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

Garybob. I thought your were married, I guess, I have misheard you.

At least I know you are a Guy. I think? smile


#7 12-04-06 06:29:30

aven frey
Video editor
Registered: 24-02-06
Posts: 2,577

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

Garybob wrote:

When you feel yourself beginning to lose the ability to experience passion and real closeness in a relationship,

Max, Liandra, Bluegrey, Richard and anyone else whose name(s) I may have left out....I hope that your success(es) with this site et al. will bring you more joy than sadness and I hope that none of you ever lose your ability to feel closeness and intimacy with another person.

I've also worked as a exotic dancer but not for very long and it had the opposite effect on my relationship. I found myself far more appreciative of my man and I became closer to him then I had with anyone else before. Stripping is a very transitory industry and most girls tend to do it for a short period whilst saving, travelling or studying because its not only hard on the phsyc is hard on the body.


#8 12-04-06 06:34:32

Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 163

Re: Thoroughly Uninterested???

MSN, I am married. Going on 19 years in November. I was referring to Carmen [my ex] being lonely.

Max, I'm glad you got away from that business. And glad that it didn't mess you up the way it does so many girls. Most I've met in that business become hardened and cold. You look in their eyes and see a wasteland of pain, anger, lonliness, displacement, etc... all rolled up together. And they do a great job of hiding it all, or at least trying, behind a smile. They're great at making you think you're the hottest thing since sushi, but it's only to get your wallet opened and emptied. Then off to the next sucker. Glad you got out okay.

Last edited by Garybob (12-04-06 06:35:00)


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