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#1 27-04-06 03:50:31

Forum Admin and Webmaster
From: Melbourne
Registered: 18-01-06
Posts: 150

Pointless yet amusing link of the day


Fox on a trampoline!

This post brought to you by the coalition of cute avatars.

[ -- On no account attempt to write on both sides of the paper at once... -- ]


#2 27-04-06 11:37:29

From: The bus station of the future
Registered: 17-03-06
Posts: 5,622

Re: Pointless yet amusing link of the day

Hey thanks, That wasn't pointless it was really good! I've just got frogs in my garden, I don't know what they'd make of a trampoline. Fox was obviously having a good time. Looks like they play around like dogs and their probably just as smart.


Last edited by blissed (27-04-06 11:38:09)

(Self made tycoon and independant financial advisor to the stars)


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