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#1 01-08-23 15:35:47

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,296

Is porn sentimental for you?

While most porn is concerned with showing 'perfection' in body image and the ultimate hardcore experience, as you all know, here at Feck we're interested in authenticity.  Certain people in my orbit have lately been challenging my obstinate attitude on this, defending mainstream porn.  It seems obvious to me that porn is about people, and taps into our life's erotic experience.  I can't understand how anyone who is sexually mature, can get gratification from watching acted, faked, exaggerated, un-nuanced, sterile porn. But I've been told that's just a matter of opinion.  Certainly it seems that a few...hundred million...people are quite happy to tune into Pornhub and get off on mainstream content.  Women included.  Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play?  If there was a lot more authentic IFM-style porn, if it proliferated on tube sites instead of being on the fringe, would it be just as - or even more - popular?

Since I started in this business I've held the view that people (although I can only speak for men, or men like me anyway) place erotic value on imagery that reminds them of their first, or early, sex related encounters.  A Freudian would tell you it goes back to your mother, after all, that's the first vagina and breasts you ever have contact with.  As the joke goes, "men come from the vagina, and spend the rest of their life trying to get back into it".  Hopefully not literally, their mothers'.

Our retro series (which we haven't made for a long while*, due mainly to the difficulty in finding contribs without tattoos who can play the role convincingly) tap into this.  I know that some men look for women in porn that remind them of the first girl who broke their heart.  They may not realise that's what they're doing.   But they have a type, and if you were to forensically examine their youth, you'd find her there, back in the early days of their sexual awakening.  I think this is also why many men prefer young women, even teenagers in their porn.  Women don't do this.  It's not because they're criminally sexually dysfunctional**, they don't want to fuck teenagers IRL, they're unknowingly trying to pick up the thread that broke when that girl, maybe a neighbour, a girl in class, or a cousin, spurned them, left them unfulfilled just as their sexual spirit was rising.  Crushed.

Or perhaps it didn't happen that way.  Maybe it was the opposite, their fumbles on the trampoline were joyous, their sexual desires were fulfilled in the back row of the matinee - it was the purest, most innocent, uncomplicated, uncorrupted sexual experience of their life, and they'll spend the next 60 years trying to find that again.  And failing of course.

Either way, it's a sentimental throwback, and the girl wasn't flawless, but she had a personality, she was playful and cheeky, she had long soft hair and no tattoos, she'd never seen porn or had any reason to fake her sexuality.  The Abby Winters girl.

So I'm asking you to look at your porn preference, and ask yourself about this.  Maybe you have a story that backs it up.  (No sexually explicit stories featuring under age girls here please).  Is this why Maryanne got twice as much fan mail as Ginger?  Is it the origin of the Girl Next Door trope?   Does everyone 'suffer' from this, even if they haven't discovered it yet?

*We actually shot a cute 90's style video with Georgia_L recently.

**Yes obviously there are pedos too, but they aren't part of this discussion, even though the origins of their madness might be similar.


#2 02-08-23 02:31:11

Registered: 11-08-15
Posts: 565

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

i dunno ... i was a late bloomer; most of my sexual experiences came in adulthood. i'm not sentimental for my youth and teenage years, to be sure, but perhaps what we're nostalgic about is a time when we were unencumbered by expectation and unsullied by other voices, when we got to try it out for the first time with someone who trusted us enough (or so we thought). It's the moment of discovery, of entering a new territory, the rush of novelty, that we seek to recapture somehow.

i don't find myself seeking out analogues to my first crush or my first girlfriend. but what i look for in porn is the connectedness: to the self and to another. that's what gets me off. and connectedness is sometimes tied to innocence and simplicity.

mainstream porn is perhaps so pervasive because it's obviously not real life, in the same way that the Fast and Furious films are useful for driving instruction. some dig that outlandishness. problem is, for many, it's the first impression of sex. and so when something like IFM arises, when it's not just loud and garish but more akin to a sense memory we had, we think it's about nostalgia. when it's really just about being real and present in the moment.


#3 02-08-23 13:19:35

Registered: 20-03-15
Posts: 96

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

Hi Richard,

I think you're actually asking two questions here - the type of porn we prefer (mainstream vs. ethical), and why we watch porn. I'm going to focus on the first question, because I can rant on something I am passionate about without getting too personal.

I'm going to be blunt in my opinions here. There isn't more authentic IFM-type porn around, because it costs money to access. You neglected to mention the fact that Pornhub and other tube sites are free. I suspect that is a greater consideration than the type of porn these sites host, or else Feck and others of their ilk would have more members.

Compare the porn industry with the music industry - Pornhub with YouTube. Both have vast swathes of free content - content which, pre-Internet, needed to be paid for. Yes, the paid options (Feck for porn, CDs/hi-res downloads for music) are higher-quality (more authentic, as you put it), but most people place a higher value on free content than they do quality content.

I think once the genie of free content has left the bottle, it is very hard to put it back in. Try telling a teenager these days that they should pay for their music, when they have grown up with YouTube and Spotify.




#4 03-08-23 07:45:09

Registered: 29-12-15
Posts: 554

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

richard wrote:

While most porn is concerned with showing 'perfection' in body image and the ultimate hardcore experience, as you all know, here at Feck we're interested in authenticity.  Certain people in my orbit have lately been challenging my obstinate attitude on this, defending mainstream porn.  It seems obvious to me that porn is about people, and taps into our life's erotic experience.  I can't understand how anyone who is sexually mature, can get gratification from watching acted, faked, exaggerated, un-nuanced, sterile porn. But I've been told that's just a matter of opinion.  Certainly it seems that a few...hundred million...people are quite happy to tune into Pornhub and get off on mainstream content.  Women included.  Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play?  If there was a lot more authentic IFM-style porn, if it proliferated on tube sites instead of being on the fringe, would it be just as - or even more - popular?

I don't know enough different kinds of porn to comment, but I think that cam shows and amateur porn on OnlyFans and social media sites are often less polished.  I'm also not sure what demographics get their porn from tube sites.  Social media is scary enough in general, would not trust it with access to my sexual desires!

I think like in regular TV and movies, producers get in their heads that audiences expect X Y Z, but they expect X Y Z because that is what they see on the screens.  Jiz Lee said that they were pressured to shave their pubes and body hair for a kink dot com shoot a few years ago.

Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram


#5 04-08-23 03:57:01

Registered: 22-04-16
Posts: 388

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

I get the sense I'm not the demographic you'd want my 2 cents from, but here it is anyway. Apologies if the 2 cents ends up being $8.

Porn, like all media and art, is subjective as fuck. I can understand why you have your specific preferences, and your reasoning behind that specific preference is one I imagine many others have too (heck, Vladimir Nabokov wrote multiple books about just that). But also many others don't have that same sentimentality towards early sexual experiences, and therefore don't look for that in their porn. Most people I know absolutely do NOT yearn for the days of early sexual experiences and heartbreak, as for them (and myself) they varied from uncomfortable and awkward, to something more traumatic. Sure, the flirting and glances can be fun but then lost its luster when it resulted in some unsatisfactory fingering and awkward rutting. It wasn't until my mid to late 20's where sex was actually properly enjoyable.

richard wrote:

It seems obvious to me that porn is about people, and taps into our life's erotic experience.  I can't understand how anyone who is sexually mature, can get gratification from watching acted, faked, exaggerated, un-nuanced, sterile porn. But I've been told that's just a matter of opinion.  Certainly it seems that a few...hundred million...people are quite happy to tune into Pornhub and get off on mainstream content.  Women included.  Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play?  If there was a lot more authentic IFM-style porn, if it proliferated on tube sites instead of being on the fringe, would it be just as - or even more - popular?

What seems like an obvious objective truth to you, is really just a subjective opinion. For YOU, yes porn is about authenticity and capturing the feeling of old memories and past lovers, but for many others it's about escapism. I watch LOADS of porn that I find hot that I'd never want to actually participate in myself. The only thing that is a constant for me when it comes to porn and erotica is that it's always lesbian porn. I like loads of different things to get off to, and so many different types of porn fill those boxes. Some days I want to get off to dirty talk so I watch an intensely loud couple say filthy things to each other, sometimes I like a narrative driven quiet, repressed feelings type of deal so I watch Confessions of a Sinful Nun, sometimes I want to see home made super low res videos so I feel that genuine authenticity, and other times I specifically look for excellent production quality because I just want to see beautiful people in a beautiful setting get off together.

As is the case with Doctor Who, there is literally something for everyone, and there is no "right" way to experience it. I could say that OBJECTIVELY Peter Capaldi is the best actor to ever play the Doctor and that his characterisation was second to none, but despite my feelings and how correct I feel in my opinion, in the end it is just that, an opinion. It would be arrogant of me to assume that my opinion is or should be the norm.

What you should also understand is that people's taste in things rarely ever stays exactly the same. People are complicated nuanced creatures and what they loved once may completely change and evolve over time. Heck, when I was younger I though Kevin Costner was the be-all and end-all of attractiveness and talent! And now I couldn't possibly be any more underwhelmed by him.

I honestly do love this site and would definitely consider it worthwhile if there were more sites like it, and even if it's not fully my cup of tea because I tend to prefer to watch people that are at least 30+, I appreciate and value what it is. Mainstream porn is just like all other mainstream media, in that it will always be the overwhelming majority because lots of people like to take comfort in consistency and the familiar.


#6 04-08-23 14:11:10

Registered: 21-07-23
Posts: 5

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

I have deep nostalgia for "fumbles on the trampoline," which is a great way to put it, and you're right, you're never going to experience that again. But if I find something that's evocative of it, which I have several times on IFM, I'm going to throughly enjoy it.


#7 04-08-23 16:39:06

Registered: 02-01-17
Posts: 130

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

A fascinating thread!

Though I obviously love IFM and all that it stands for, I find the concept of authenticity somewhat elusive in that it can be hard to define just what qualifies as authentic and what doesn’t. In a very strict sense, authentic porn really is just one or two people filming themselves having sex or masturbating just as in real life, then putting it out on the web for free. What if contributors are paid and videos are often scripted at least to a certain extent, as is the case at IFM? What if their setting is alien to what a contributor would choose in real life? Is it then still authentic?

My very personal (and wide) definition of authentic porn is where the woman has a real orgasm, and you do get this in quite a bit of mainstream porn as well; in fact, some pros like Kristen Scott always make sure to get their share of the fun. So yes, like Redbird I do enjoy some of the more mainstream stuff as well, often fantasies or unusual settings.

My teenage years are nothing I would wish to recreate in any way, not least sexually, however it’s true that a lot of the IFM videos (and the quirky ladies) reminds me of my twenties which were the sexually most active and satisfying period of my life. The couple videos in particular can make me feel quite nostalgic for those days.


#8 06-08-23 00:44:01

Registered: 06-11-20
Posts: 196

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

richard wrote:

Our retro series (which we haven't made for a long while*, due mainly to the difficulty in finding contribs without tattoos who can play the role convincingly) tap into this.  I know that some men look for women in porn that remind them of the first girl who broke their heart.  They may not realise that's what they're doing.   But they have a type, and if you were to forensically examine their youth, you'd find her there, back in the early days of their sexual awakening.  I think this is also why many men prefer young women, even teenagers in their porn.  Women don't do this.  It's not because they're criminally sexually dysfunctional**, they don't want to fuck teenagers IRL, they're unknowingly trying to pick up the thread that broke when that girl, maybe a neighbour, a girl in class, or a cousin, spurned them, left them unfulfilled just as their sexual spirit was rising.  Crushed.

Or perhaps it didn't happen that way.  Maybe it was the opposite, their fumbles on the trampoline were joyous, their sexual desires were fulfilled in the back row of the matinee - it was the purest, most innocent, uncomplicated, uncorrupted sexual experience of their life, and they'll spend the next 60 years trying to find that again.  And failing of course.

*We actually shot a cute 90's style video with Georgia_L recently.

**Yes obviously there are pedos too, but they aren't part of this discussion, even though the origins of their madness might be similar.

It's funny to think you might be nostalgic for a time you were never in. Either before you were born or too young to experience that much. That's the thing about the retro series for me. It's has an appeal not from memory of where I had been, but what it might have been like for others.

The past can be a nice place to visit even if you wouldn't want to live there. So many times we might hear retro tales of fun and exciting moments in time and think "gosh wouldn't I like to have been around then. I was born in the wrong decade!" Only when you stop to consider how many technological advances or available services we take for granted that weren't available than...how much systematic prejudices went unchallenged that you begin to realize that maybe wouldn't have liked to that much.

But fantasy allows you to have all the fun and excitement of another time without having to deal with all the crap of actually living through it. And when it comes to sex and sexuality in particular it can be really exciting to imagine people embracing that part of themselves in a time when it was more often denied or discouraged at best. Sexual exploration seems more exciting in a Victorian setting when some brave folks dared to take off the petticoats and corsets. Standing defiantly exposed to one another.

I especially like the thought of women and girls discovering masturbation in older times when there was even less reason to believe females would ever do that sort of things. When it was even less acceptable for women to openly sexual in general. Especially in a way that wasn't about pleasing a man for marriage or profit and the means of doing so for ones own sake was seldom even talked about.

Of course have few ways of knowing how often anyone would transgress from repression. Since the consequences could often be severe if caught. Especially when it came to same sex relationships and gender bending. But even heterosexual actives and fantasies that defied taboos were best lift in the closet. Still are in some places. So fantasies of someone who manages to find that freedom of pleasure with no harm to themselves or others when the odd seem to be staked against it can be very inviting. It seem both more innocent and more mature at the same time. I hope that makes sense.

Last edited by MS2020 (06-08-23 00:44:58)


#9 07-08-23 00:39:50

Registered: 14-03-06
Posts: 3,296

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

_redbird_ wrote:

I get the sense I'm not the demographic you'd want my 2 cents from, but here it is anyway. Apologies if the 2 cents ends up being $8.

Porn, like all media and art, is subjective as fuck. I can understand why you have your specific preferences, and your reasoning behind that specific preference is one I imagine many others have too (heck, Vladimir Nabokov wrote multiple books about just that). But also many others don't have that same sentimentality towards early sexual experiences, and therefore don't look for that in their porn. Most people I know absolutely do NOT yearn for the days of early sexual experiences and heartbreak, as for them (and myself) they varied from uncomfortable and awkward, to something more traumatic. Sure, the flirting and glances can be fun but then lost its luster when it resulted in some unsatisfactory fingering and awkward rutting. It wasn't until my mid to late 20's where sex was actually properly enjoyable.

richard wrote:

It seems obvious to me that porn is about people, and taps into our life's erotic experience.  I can't understand how anyone who is sexually mature, can get gratification from watching acted, faked, exaggerated, un-nuanced, sterile porn. But I've been told that's just a matter of opinion.  Certainly it seems that a few...hundred million...people are quite happy to tune into Pornhub and get off on mainstream content.  Women included.  Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play?  If there was a lot more authentic IFM-style porn, if it proliferated on tube sites instead of being on the fringe, would it be just as - or even more - popular?

What seems like an obvious objective truth to you, is really just a subjective opinion. For YOU, yes porn is about authenticity and capturing the feeling of old memories and past lovers, but for many others it's about escapism. I watch LOADS of porn that I find hot that I'd never want to actually participate in myself. The only thing that is a constant for me when it comes to porn and erotica is that it's always lesbian porn. I like loads of different things to get off to, and so many different types of porn fill those boxes. Some days I want to get off to dirty talk so I watch an intensely loud couple say filthy things to each other, sometimes I like a narrative driven quiet, repressed feelings type of deal so I watch Confessions of a Sinful Nun, sometimes I want to see home made super low res videos so I feel that genuine authenticity, and other times I specifically look for excellent production quality because I just want to see beautiful people in a beautiful setting get off together.

As is the case with Doctor Who, there is literally something for everyone, and there is no "right" way to experience it. I could say that OBJECTIVELY Peter Capaldi is the best actor to ever play the Doctor and that his characterisation was second to none, but despite my feelings and how correct I feel in my opinion, in the end it is just that, an opinion. It would be arrogant of me to assume that my opinion is or should be the norm.

What you should also understand is that people's taste in things rarely ever stays exactly the same. People are complicated nuanced creatures and what they loved once may completely change and evolve over time. Heck, when I was younger I though Kevin Costner was the be-all and end-all of attractiveness and talent! And now I couldn't possibly be any more underwhelmed by him.

I honestly do love this site and would definitely consider it worthwhile if there were more sites like it, and even if it's not fully my cup of tea because I tend to prefer to watch people that are at least 30+, I appreciate and value what it is. Mainstream porn is just like all other mainstream media, in that it will always be the overwhelming majority because lots of people like to take comfort in consistency and the familiar.

Oh yes I totally get why people would be into narrative porn, hentai, fake role play and such.  I was really referring to porn which purports to be 'documentary'.  Not naming any names ha.

What I wrote isn't about me, it's part of my ongoing enquiry into what works for people and what doesn't.  Personally I'd like to see (and make) good narrative porn, but as the adage goes - porn stars can't act and actors won't make porn.

Garion and I used to talk about commissioning a uni-sponsored study into it.  We'd notice that video X gets favourited like crazy while video Y, which, objectively, was an analog of video X, would not.  The online study would comprise pairs of images or video clips from which the user selects their preference.  So, when presented in the same context, would big-boob lipstick pouty bimbo really get more hits than happy, friendly looking 'girl next door'?  Would sneering wanton nymphomaniac get chosen more than shy, pale skinned bookworm?  But aside from the issue of getting it through an ethics committee, the objective was counter productive because studies like this are why appalling films like Independence Day get made.  Just find out what people want, and put it all in the movie, no matter that it's all incongruent and totally unrealistic.  Although, he built Abby Winters on the premise of doing everything the opposite of mainstream porn, and it became the top amateur site within months.  I've always wanted to know if that would translate into the wider community if there was as much good amateur porn as there was sausage-factory stuff.  It's a lot more diverse now than 20 years ago though.


#10 08-08-23 17:53:21

Registered: 09-07-22
Posts: 20

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

My preferences for porn don't really stem from a past lover or relationship. Rather, it stemmed from a teenaged curiosity about sex; I never really had proper sex ed when I was younger, so the internet taught me most of what I know now. Not from porn necessarily, but from women-owned websites dedicated to discussing female anatomy and women's sexual experiences/feelings/preferences. The-Clitoris.com comes to mind.

Eventually, my curiosity about women's sexuality led me here; I recall finding IFM around 2007 or so (under a different name, mind you). I was around 21 at the time. All in all, IFM is a great representation of what I look for in porn - the authenticity, the ethics, the aesthetics. I enjoy supporting a company that aims to perpetuate these things.

That said, I think scripted/narrative/"faked" porn can be enjoyable, depending on the context. Usually, I'd prefer that type of porn if the participant is consenting to it, enjoying it, wanting to do it, etc.


#11 08-08-23 19:07:17

Registered: 29-12-15
Posts: 554

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

richard wrote:

What I wrote isn't about me, it's part of my ongoing enquiry into what works for people and what doesn't.  Personally I'd like to see (and make) good narrative porn, but as the adage goes - porn stars can't act and actors won't make porn.

One famous British bondage model got her start as an actress and ballerina until she decided that getting paid to have people look at her naked was more fun (and that she really liked being tied up and menaced).

richard wrote:

Although, he built Abby Winters on the premise of doing everything the opposite of mainstream porn, and it became the top amateur site within months.  I've always wanted to know if that would translate into the wider community if there was as much good amateur porn as there was sausage-factory stuff.  It's a lot more diverse now than 20 years ago though.

Its hard to generalize about 'porn' since there is so much of it, production has become decentralized, and people promote people and companies in their local networks.  The SF crowd boost other SF people, kinky Brits boost kinky Brits, I'm sure the people photographing skinny young things from eastern Europe trade lists of models.

After the money went away and the review sites got quiet, tumblr used to be a good place for people to share things they thought were hot, not sure where people go these days!

I wonder if for some people, 'stylized porn' is hot because it does not have scary real things like feelings or performance anxiety or trying to make the space work for the bodies involved?  Or talking to a sexy person about things other than "more baby faster harder deeper ah ah ah"?

Last edited by privignus (08-08-23 19:13:53)

Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram


#12 13-08-23 09:04:17

Registered: 15-09-22
Posts: 32

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

This opinion is probably going to be dry and distasteful to most, so beware:

What I like about porn is the female body and the ways women react when they are feeling extremely pleasant sensations. I don't really personally relate to what I call up on my screens at all; the typical female forms are just beautiful to me, particularly when one woman is brought pleasure at the whim and work of another stunning lady. Things like narrative, role-play/characters, waxing about the participants' present or past perceived innocence, exaggerated behaviors like in standard U.S. porn, I guess acting in general really, are all huge turn-offs to me. I'm sure you all know the biggest seller in U.S./mainstream porn is for an older performer to pretend that they have been grooming a younger performer since the younger performer was a child. That was the first thing that really annoyed me about narrative porn, as that predator-based stuff is the bulk of it, but I have come to realize that I don't like when porn performers who don't know each other pretend to be long-time lovers or anything like that either.

I prefer for pornography to show me one or two women having a sexually gratifying experience. When the two women are meeting each other is this particular way for the first time, watching them figure each other out only heightens the inherent beauty. When the ladies have been in the situation together before, the knowing and familiarity magnifies the content in a similar and equal but different way too. Finding that, the truest, genuine content without all the chaff and camera-aware performance imposed is...difficult to do.

For me, the art is in the participants' bodies and personalities coming together in the here and now for pleasurable sex. The other stuff gets in the way of that, regrettably often obscuring the forest for the sake of potted artificial ficuses.


Last edited by lesevolve (13-08-23 09:07:08)


#13 17-08-23 08:45:40

Registered: 29-04-22
Posts: 14

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

I discovered this site (and Abby Winters) after getting sick of mainstream porn and I havent looked back. To me an authentic sexual experience is more satisfying than the stage and scripted garbage. I was actively searching for women's orgasm videos.

It's hard to say why mainstream porn is the preference for people. Maybe they think this is what sex is. The internet is relatively new and sex is still taboo in the media. So there isn't as much education to go by. People will see a guy shooting his load on a woman's face while she moans in delight and think this is what sex is. Anybody who has read debates about sex censorship will see the complete lack of maturity and understanding around sex on the side of those in favour of it. I recall one where somebody said the female orgasm was just a form of urination.

Another reason the majority may be drawn to mainstream porn could also be because it's over 99% of the content available. Where are the options? As somebody who was proactively looking for this kind of content I only found 2 or 3 sites I was happy with.

A different side to the debate is people using porn to explore dark or unrealistic fantasies (which is healthy / natural). In the same way somebody might prefer to watch a fictional movie than a home video. Perhaps the unrealistic and exaggerated porn plot lines are better than a down to Earth realistic sexual experience to some.

I like this site from a sex education point of view. I love the female body and I'm drawn to the authenticity of the experiences, the stories (I like the non sex stories the best), and more recently ejaculation videos. I'm going to continue to enjoy this site until society decides to take muddying the waters on the definition of what a female is one step too far.


#14 24-08-23 06:49:43

Registered: 29-12-15
Posts: 554

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

acbarebear wrote:

Another reason the majority may be drawn to mainstream porn could also be because it's over 99% of the content available. Where are the options? As somebody who was proactively looking for this kind of content I only found 2 or 3 sites I was happy with.

Tumblr used to be good for finding more of what you were in to.  Not sure what has replaced it, maybe following camgirls on twitter?

Res est arduissima vincere naturam,
in aspectu virginis mentem esse puram


#15 31-08-23 04:55:58

Registered: 05-04-22
Posts: 135

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

richard wrote:

While most porn is concerned with showing 'perfection' in body image and the ultimate hardcore experience, as you all know, here at Feck we're interested in authenticity.  Certain people in my orbit have lately been challenging my obstinate attitude on this, defending mainstream porn.  It seems obvious to me that porn is about people, and taps into our life's erotic experience.  I can't understand how anyone who is sexually mature, can get gratification from watching acted, faked, exaggerated, un-nuanced, sterile porn. But I've been told that's just a matter of opinion.  Certainly it seems that a few...hundred million...people are quite happy to tune into Pornhub and get off on mainstream content.  Women included.  Are they all so new to the game that the sight of any sexual activity at all is exciting, or is there something else at play?  If there was a lot more authentic IFM-style porn, if it proliferated on tube sites instead of being on the fringe, would it be just as - or even more - popular?

Since I started in this business I've held the view that people (although I can only speak for men, or men like me anyway) place erotic value on imagery that reminds them of their first, or early, sex related encounters.  A Freudian would tell you it goes back to your mother, after all, that's the first vagina and breasts you ever have contact with.  As the joke goes, "men come from the vagina, and spend the rest of their life trying to get back into it".  Hopefully not literally, their mothers'.

Our retro series (which we haven't made for a long while*, due mainly to the difficulty in finding contribs without tattoos who can play the role convincingly) tap into this.  I know that some men look for women in porn that remind them of the first girl who broke their heart.  They may not realise that's what they're doing.   But they have a type, and if you were to forensically examine their youth, you'd find her there, back in the early days of their sexual awakening.  I think this is also why many men prefer young women, even teenagers in their porn.  Women don't do this.  It's not because they're criminally sexually dysfunctional**, they don't want to fuck teenagers IRL, they're unknowingly trying to pick up the thread that broke when that girl, maybe a neighbour, a girl in class, or a cousin, spurned them, left them unfulfilled just as their sexual spirit was rising.  Crushed.

Or perhaps it didn't happen that way.  Maybe it was the opposite, their fumbles on the trampoline were joyous, their sexual desires were fulfilled in the back row of the matinee - it was the purest, most innocent, uncomplicated, uncorrupted sexual experience of their life, and they'll spend the next 60 years trying to find that again.  And failing of course.

Either way, it's a sentimental throwback, and the girl wasn't flawless, but she had a personality, she was playful and cheeky, she had long soft hair and no tattoos, she'd never seen porn or had any reason to fake her sexuality.  The Abby Winters girl.

So I'm asking you to look at your porn preference, and ask yourself about this.  Maybe you have a story that backs it up.  (No sexually explicit stories featuring under age girls here please).  Is this why Maryanne got twice as much fan mail as Ginger?  Is it the origin of the Girl Next Door trope?   Does everyone 'suffer' from this, even if they haven't discovered it yet?

*We actually shot a cute 90's style video with Georgia_L recently.

**Yes obviously there are pedos too, but they aren't part of this discussion, even though the origins of their madness might be similar.

Never heard of the retro vids described as such, was that the intention? Is there a way to search for those vids you mention? I don't see anything in the search page, and I tried searching for "retro" but nothing came up.  I guess I never considered some where filmed as "retro" unless it was something like "Robyn 1972".. which is a great video and super sexy btw. big_smile

Last edited by tuboman81 (31-08-23 15:18:49)


#16 31-08-23 15:16:49

Registered: 05-04-22
Posts: 135

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

lesevolve wrote:

This opinion is probably going to be dry and distasteful to most, so beware:

What I like about porn is the female body and the ways women react when they are feeling extremely pleasant sensations. I don't really personally relate to what I call up on my screens at all; the typical female forms are just beautiful to me, particularly when one woman is brought pleasure at the whim and work of another stunning lady. Things like narrative, role-play/characters, waxing about the participants' present or past perceived innocence, exaggerated behaviors like in standard U.S. porn, I guess acting in general really, are all huge turn-offs to me. I'm sure you all know the biggest seller in U.S./mainstream porn is for an older performer to pretend that they have been grooming a younger performer since the younger performer was a child. That was the first thing that really annoyed me about narrative porn, as that predator-based stuff is the bulk of it, but I have come to realize that I don't like when porn performers who don't know each other pretend to be long-time lovers or anything like that either.

I prefer for pornography to show me one or two women having a sexually gratifying experience. When the two women are meeting each other is this particular way for the first time, watching them figure each other out only heightens the inherent beauty. When the ladies have been in the situation together before, the knowing and familiarity magnifies the content in a similar and equal but different way too. Finding that, the truest, genuine content without all the chaff and camera-aware performance imposed is...difficult to do.

For me, the art is in the participants' bodies and personalities coming together in the here and now for pleasurable sex. The other stuff gets in the way of that, regrettably often obscuring the forest for the sake of potted artificial ficuses.


I completely agree, and that is what I have always loved about IFM above all others is it was focused on a woman, or women, who were shown giving themselves pleasure. Thankfully I found IFM when I was in my formative teen years and I was fascinated by the female form, the various figures, shapes, sizes of.... everything, and IFM always showed what I saw as "real women" vs a "porn actress". I have always thought of IFM as "education" and looked at it as a way to learn how to really pleasure a woman, when I was in a relationship. I know my wife certainly appreciates all the education I have received over the years tongue


#17 26-11-23 10:37:57

Registered: 23-11-23
Posts: 23

Re: Is porn sentimental for you?

richard wrote:

While most porn is concerned with showing 'perfection' in body image and the ultimate hardcore experience, as you all know, here at Feck we're interested in authenticity.

Either way, it's a sentimental throwback, and the girl wasn't flawless, but she had a personality, she was playful and cheeky, she had long soft hair and no tattoos, she'd never seen porn or had any reason to fake her sexuality.  The Abby Winters girl.

So I'm asking you to look at your porn preference, and ask yourself about this.  Maybe you have a story that backs it up.  (No sexually explicit stories featuring under age girls here please).  Is this why Maryanne got twice as much fan mail as Ginger?  Is it the origin of the Girl Next Door trope?   Does everyone 'suffer' from this, even if they haven't discovered it yet?

*We actually shot a cute 90's style video with Georgia_L recently.

**Yes obviously there are pedos too, but they aren't part of this discussion, even though the origins of their madness might be similar.

Masturbating, if it would be real love making, that is what I am looking for and this quality, guilt free and one the most wonderful gifts in live, this it is, what is so unique about I feel myself and in the good times also of Abby Winters.  And the forum is also important for sharing thse confessions of my highest erotic pleasure with others, who have the same longing.


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